gov inspection and control of business

Each business will be given by the government a worker who will work in a management like position at the business, paid by the government, but only specifically in regards to ensuring the company complies with legal standards. Every business will be given a number, based on its size, mostly number of employees but also geographical size and industry, balanced to ensure that the gov worker always has work to do but not an overbearing amount. Small businesses too small to need or make economical use of a dedicated gov worker will share with other businesses to give a gov worker a full workload. This will make government headed decisions directly a part of the business, making inspections of certain industries built-in, and adding them to all others. Lawsuits will also be less common, as the gov worker should ensure the business is in compliance with all law including current common law.

In most businesses, the inspector will deal with accounting laws, employee related laws, and other such laws common to all or most businesses. Some businesses, such as hospitality, which have many industry specific laws, will have those watched by the inspector in addition to the basic business issues. Inspections of restaurants to see if they are up to sanitation codes would be eliminated in this system, as the inspector would continuously or frequently be at the restaurant and would have managerial powers to change problem areas. Instead of giving a score that decides whether a restaurant will be shut down or allowed to remain open, they will attempt to fix the problems through a managers capabilities. Only if changes are not able to be made and the inspector finds them unlikely to be able to be made will a shut down be considered.

Careful care must be taken to ensure that the inspector does not become attached to a company in such a way that he/she will bend the law or “look the other way” to benifit the company. The inspector shall
-recieve no pay or benifits, such as free meals, from the company
-hold no stock or other stake in the company
-make no company decisions other than those directly related to legal issues
-have as close to no ramifications as possible for making decisions that would harm the company in the interest of legality