git posts page 2

I’m on GitHub

A couple months ago I finally made my first repos on GitHub. It provides a good place for me to store some of the code I use in an easily accessible location and also offers the potential for others to be able to make use of it and even contribute to it. I definitely like it so far. It has been quite easy to work with and offers a rather nice web interface. I can now not only access these repos from anywhere (with internet connectivity), but also read the source with its file browser and reader and view commit history with diffs.

I started off by adding some Symfony related repos, three that will form a basis for my personal Symfony projects (Symfony-Initial, Symfony-BaseBundle, and Symfony-Shared). I also added another Symfony one related to a project I’m working on (Symfony-BaseBundle). Then I added some more generic web related ones, a new CSS repo Web-Presentation and my JavaScript codebase TMLib (Web-ClientBehavior). I’ve been working on TMLib for a while now and have been wanting to add it.

I will work on these as need warrants and time allows. I will probably continue to add more of my collections of code that I’m fine with making public.