git posts

Github repo backup script

For some time, I’ve been wanting to set up a backup for my Github repos. Technically they are all backed up by my local copies, which are also backed up when I back up my local computer. However, I wanted something that was sure to have everything from all the repos (all branches, tags, etc) and could be set up and run continuously on a yet-to-be-created backup server. I have create a bash script to do this for me.

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git: MacOS default branch now “main”?

At some point recently, git init on my Mac has started to default to the branch name “main”. It did this for a repo I created today, but not for one created August 29th, so maybe Apple made a change in an update sometime between then and now. I haven’t been able to find anything about the change on the web though.

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Git info alias

I do a lot of management of work and personal projects with git. I’ve been making shell and gitconfig aliases to make things that I do often quicker or to store logic of things that I won’t remember easily. One recent one that I really like is a git info (or g i) alias that shows status and a number of other bits of information about the repository quickly with one command. I’ve been using it in place of status most of the time.

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I don’t know why I didn’t realize this before, but git project versions can be managed just with tags rather than needing to create a branch for each point version. Packagist can go entirely by tags. I had been creating point version branches because Symfony does, but that’s really only needed if you need to continue updating a previous version. It’s overkill for small, one person projects. With a tag available, it wouldn’t be hard to create a branch later anyway if needed.