css posts

Compact about:profiles in Firefox

Firefox allows us to create multiple browser profiles to separate our activities, such as work, personal, finance, etc. It has an about:profiles page to manage and launch these. The page has not gotten much UX love and does not make very good use of space. On load, I can’t see the full second profile on my laptop (Macbook) screen. After living with this a long time, I decided to use userContent.css to customize the appearance so everything fits on one screen and I can quickly and easily find the two things I need most of the time: Each profile’s name, and the button to launch it with.

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CSS wishes: add to existing rules

Some months ago, I wrote a 2023 CSS wishlist for things I’d like to see in the spec. Among them was the desire to be able to add to existing CSS values. This would be particularly useful for multi-value properties like transition and transform, although it would also be cool to be able to add to existing numeric values, like 2em more padding than this would otherwise have. There would be difficulties implementing this as described in that post though. I’ve thought of some other possible options that may be less problematic.

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CSS Wishlist

After reading Eric Meyer’s and Dave Rupert’s recent CSS Wishlist, I decided to make my own. Working with CSS for many years, I have come across many things I’d like to see. Many have come about or improved since then, but there are still things I come across that I’d like to see. I agree with many of Eric and Dave’s items, and put them in my own list if I had more to say about them or especially want them. Here is the list of what I could come up with:

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CSS: checking support for selectors

@supports is a good way to apply an entire block of styles only if (modern) browsers support a particular property-value combo. There is no similar block-level mechanism for selector support. Selectors are automatically ignored if their values or syntax aren’t recognized by the browser, so they basically already do this at the ruleset level.

Except, sometimes you want to apply styles to other elements that don’t use the selector, but only if the browser supports the selector.

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