site posts

Site partially static

I am pleased to say that most of the non-blog parts of my site are now served from static files. I have been working toward making a static version of my site for a while. I have created a PHP static web task that can crawl a site and turn the responses into an Apache friendly directory structure. Those pages now can be served extra fast, without going through PHP, and could be served on a free static host if I wanted. To go static, I not only had to write the code to build the static files, but also had to modify my site code to have the desired output when called from that context and modify my Apache configuration to respond correctly and add some headers that were being added by PHP before.

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Playing with GitHub Pages

This past weekend, I started playing with GitHub Pages for the first time. It took a while to figure out, but was somewhat fun. I’ve been interested in it for a while, but was unsure of how to do what I wanted, such as building with PHP, Sass, and Rollup. Turns out it was fairly easy with GitHub Actions to do most any sort of build steps I want. It is very interesting for free static site web-hosting.

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April Fools

I have made my first (I believe) April fools feature for my website. On April 1st, the page will spin around 360Β° on load and every time the user clicks. It’s a quick script I threw together this evening after deciding I wanted to finally do something for the day, as a number of websites do such things. It didn’t come together as smoothly as I hoped, which made me all the more determined to get something in place before the end of the day.

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DreamCompute disruption incident

My server and site were down for about 16 hours from Tuesday evening (β‰ˆ18:08) to Wednesday morning (β‰ˆ10:36). This was due to a significant problem that occurred due to an upgrade to the Ceph system running Dreamcompute. Numerous people were affected, based on Twitter posts, and we still have little information about what happened.

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