PHP Output Buffer Manager

With rebuilding my website with WordPress, I have made progress on the WordPress starter theme I’ve been working on. One thing I used for it was PHP’s output buffering to control output and allow me to define “blocks” of content, then render them at a later point in their proper location. To this end, I created some helper methods to manage this for me and allow easy creating of named buffers. I got the idea for this from the slots of Symfony’s PHP templating engine.

I have since broken this out of my WordPress theme helper classes into its own class and created a github repo, PHP-BufferManager to allow its use for generic purposes. This is a very simple repo and class. The most common way to use it would be to use $instance->start('name'); to start a buffer named ‘name’ and $instance->end(); to end it, then $instance->get('name'); at a later point to get the string value of the buffer for output or other purposes. A simple example:

$bufferManager = new TJMComponentBufferManagerBufferManager();

echo 'This is in block 1';

echo 'This is in block 2';
<div class="wrapper">
    <h2>This is block 1's heading</h2>
    <div class="block1">get('block1'); ?></div>
    <h2>This is block 2's heading</h2>
    <div class="block2">get('block2'); ?></div>



    echo json_encode(Array(
        'title'=> $pagetitle
        ,'main'=> $bufferManager->get('main')
        ,'aside'=> $bufferManager->get('aside')
<!DOCTYPE html>
<?php }

In the case of my WordPress theme, WordPress loads files representing the content of a page, and you call get_header(); at the top and get_footer(); at the bottom, which include the theme’s header.php and footer.php respectively. I wanted to be able to have the entire wrapper/skeleton in one file instead of split into two. So I use output buffering. In my header.php, I start a buffer:

// {theme}/header.php

Then in my footer I end the buffer and include the wrapper/skeleton file:

// {theme}/footer.php

The skeleton file then can define the entire document wrapper and output the content of the file representing the main content where it pleases:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    <title><?php echo wp_title('-', false, 'right') .  get_bloginfo('name'); ?></title>
//--main with wrapper
    <main class="siteMainWrap" id="main" role="main">
        <div class="siteMain" id="mainContent">
            <?=$tjmThemeHelper->buffers->get('main'); ?>

    echo $tjmThemeHelper->buffers->get('aside');