Computers & Tech posts page 2

Vim terminal mode config

Vim has a couple ways to run terminal commands from the editor. From ex command mode, :! will allow running a single command before breaking back to Vim, while :term will open a new terminal window within Vim, by default in a split, to run as many commands as you want. There are several settings in my vimrc that I add to make working with these terminal modes easier and nicer. I will share some of them below.

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SSH to directory

I have been using SSH configuration a lot to make short hostname aliases for sites I SSH into frequently, but I recently figured out how to use it to change to a certain directory by default when logging in. At work, our sites each have their own user with their own site project directory. Most of the time when I log in, I want to go to the project directory instead of the default, the home directory. I cded manually each time for a long time, but decided to look up a better option, and found a config option on ServerFault.

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Homebrew `composer` 2.6.x failing

For some reason, the Homebrew version of composer hasn’t been working recently, either 2.6.1 or 2.6.2. So I’ve manually grabbed the phar from and replaced the file it was getting. I’m running the latest MacOS and up to date Homebrew, PHP, and Composer on an Intel Macbook Air. When I would run composer, I would get an exception

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:wq Bram Moolenaar

Sad to hear of Bram Moolenaar’s recent death. RIP. He was the creator and main developer of vim, the common and influential *NIX text editor. I encountered the editor in the early aughts from a CS professor who used it and was very quick with it. I’ve used it over the years on Linux servers, where it is one of the few command line editors always installed. It has a learning curve, but I’ve gotten comfortable with it over the years. With the death of the Atom editor, I’ve been moving toward vim as my primary editor.

Bram continued to steer the development of the editor up to its death, so it will be interesting to see where it goes without him. Some complained he kept the editor from modern features, resulting in a fork called neovim. We’ll see if vim modernizes more without Bram, if the project slows or dies without him, if neovim takes over, or if perhaps some efforts to re-merge the projects are made.