Toby's Log page 5

CSS wishes: add to existing rules

Some months ago, I wrote a 2023 CSS wishlist for things I’d like to see in the spec. Among them was the desire to be able to add to existing CSS values. This would be particularly useful for multi-value properties like transition and transform, although it would also be cool to be able to add to existing numeric values, like 2em more padding than this would otherwise have. There would be difficulties implementing this as described in that post though. I’ve thought of some other possible options that may be less problematic.

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Inline emoji favicon

On a simple one-page site, I wanted as much as possible to be inline in the single document request. I didn’t have a favicon, and I didn’t want browsers to make that extra request. I considered just adding an empty file, as I’ve done sometimes in the past, but that would still be an extra request. So I looked up if it could be inlined. It can be done, with a data URL. And using an SVG format, an emoji can be used for a cheap actual icon.

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