fix posts

Compact about:profiles in Firefox

Firefox allows us to create multiple browser profiles to separate our activities, such as work, personal, finance, etc. It has an about:profiles page to manage and launch these. The page has not gotten much UX love and does not make very good use of space. On load, I can’t see the full second profile on my laptop (Macbook) screen. After living with this a long time, I decided to use userContent.css to customize the appearance so everything fits on one screen and I can quickly and easily find the two things I need most of the time: Each profile’s name, and the button to launch it with.

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Impreza transmission death

One of my larger fears when I bought my Subaru Impreza with a CVT transmission was that the transmission would fail early, but not early enough to be covered by warranty. I saw talk online about reliability problems with the tech, which was fairly new to cars, with the Impreza only being in its second year with them I believe. On last Wednesday, my transmission did fail, but luckily it is going to work out alright, as Subaru of America (SOA) is going to help me out.

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Rsync and dealing with “some files vanished” warning

I use rsync for backups, site deployments, and other purposes where I need to sync two folders. It took a little while to figure out, but has been great for those purposes since. Every once in a while, though, I run into issues with it. Recently, I set up an rsync script to back up most of the files on my entire computer. Since this takes a while and the computer is actively running during the backup, things can change while it is still running. This can lead to some errors like “rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred”. Even though this is a warning, and the sync works perfectly fine, it returns a non-zero exit code. This caused my script to stop and thus the rest of the backup activity didn’t finish.

I looked for an option or simple solution to allow it to go on without complaining.

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Impreza brake job of 2020

I replaced the brake pads, and the front calipers and rotors on my car this weekend. It ended up being a much longer and more tiring project than I thought, with some problems to deal with, but I made it. I’m glad I was able to with my health situation. I did struggle at times and thought I wouldn’t be able to make it, but I pushed on and did. I’m thankful my dad helped with much of it. My car is going and stopping much better now.

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