Posts by Toby page 3

Apache PHP FPM and “Primary Script Unknown”

A while back, I wrote about dealing with the Apache / FastCGI error ‘Primary script unknown’ when trying to access non-existent PHP files. Bots often do this trying to test for vulnerabilities, and it can fill up error logs and be annoying to look through. In that post, I fixed the problem through mod_rewrite and a RewriteCond. For PHP 2.4+, there is a more broad and likely more efficient solution using the <If> directive. It will work for all virtual hosts on a server.

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When I was young, vacationing at Sandusky Bay, I saw a few big, bright and colorful meteors. They were red, green, and white, and kind of like a small sideways firework, slower and longer lasting than a normal meteor. Afterward, I often wondered if I had really seen that or if my mind had just exaggerated. But tonight, on my drive home, I saw another one. It was green and white and big, really cool looking. Hopefully I get to see more.